
Restore and Repair Your Furniture

Two Situations in Which You Should Get an Adjustable Bed

Here are two situations in which you should get an adjustable bed.

You're planning to have multiple children

If you are pregnant and hoping to have multiple children over the next few years, you should definitely treat yourself to an adjustable bed. The reason for this is that during the last few months of pregnancy when your bump will be very large, and you'll be experiencing the aches and swelling that come with being heavier, you might find it tough to get comfortable enough in bed to fall asleep.

Having the option of, for example, elevating the bottom of the bed so you're swollen feet are raised could reduce the swelling and help you to nod off, whilst also being able to keep the area of the bed that supports your head and upper body raised. Doing so could alleviate any pregnancy-related indigestion that's stopping you from sleeping.

Furthermore, if you hope to get pregnant several times, there is a chance that during one or more of your pregnancies, you may need to spend time on bedrest. If this happens, then you will definitely appreciate being able to sit up slightly so that you can, for example, watch television, use your laptop or read each day during this period without having to stack lots of pillows behind your back to keep yourself partially upright.

You work from home most or all of the time

Adjustable beds are not just for those who have medical conditions; they can also be useful for many other people, including those who work from home. If you work from home a lot, then you'd probably really enjoy owning this piece of furniture.

The reason for this is that unless you need to partake in a video-based remote work meeting (where it might be necessary to sit upright at a desk to look more professional), working from an adjustable bed is likely to be a lot more comfortable and practical than at your dining table or desk.

For example, if you work from this type of bed, your back won't be forced to be at one angle for the eight hours that you need to work at your laptop. Instead, you can sit on the cushioned surface of your bed and alter the bed's upper part when you feel any stiffness or ache in your back from being in one position for too long. This could potentially allow you to work more efficiently as you won't be distracted by backaches and won't need to get up and take stretching breaks to relieve your back-related discomfort.

Contact an adjustable beds supplier near you to learn more.

About Me

Restore and Repair Your Furniture

Hello, my name is Sally and this is my new furniture blog. I plan to use this blog to offer some top tips to people who want to restore or repair their furniture. I am not a professional furniture person. I am completely self-taught. It all started when I used to visit my Auntie Jones. She loved furniture and collected vintage pieces from all around the world. At the weekends she would show me her lastest repair work and sometimes she would even let me help out. I hope you enjoy my blog and find the information contained in it useful.

